[imagefield_assist|fid=8528|preset=frontpage_200x200|title=|desc=|link=none|origsize=|align=left|width=200|height=200]Round 6: Back to the “drawing” board
I had an unusual game against GM-elect Gergely Antal. I played 1.e4, which I have recently started playing (although my opponent doubtless expected 1.d4), and Gergely decided to play 1…Nf6 for the first time!
I played the unusual 3.g3 (a favorite of GM Rozentalis) andf we were both on our own devices. I was slightly better from move 8 until the end, when I should have tried 19.Bc5, although black seems to be all right in that case as well.
The express train that was Darwin Yang was derailed by GM Kuljasevic. Darwin still needs 1 point to get an IM norm, and can still get a GM norm if he finishes 3-0. Still, Darwin has six decisive games, which is quite impressive. IM Bryan Smith had his GM norm chances taken away as he lost with white to new Texas Tech student, GM Anatoly Bykhovsky.
I am black against tournament leader Bykhovsky tomorrow.
Standings After Round 6
1. Bykhovsky 4.5
2-3. Antal, Kuljasevic 3.5
4-7. Smith, Yang, Diamant, Ippolito 3.0
8. Finegold 2.5
9-10. Krush, Rensch 2.0
Round 7: A peaceful draw
I drew tournament leader Anatoly Bykhovsky quite quickly. I was black, and he was in a peaceful mood. I went for a walk on the campus and had to escape high winds! Lots of decisive games though, as Dean Ippolito won rather easily against Andre Diamant and Gergely Antal beat Irina Krush. Davorin Kuljasevic, after drawing his first five games won his second in a row, beating Danny Rensch.
Dean needs 2 out of 2 to get a GM norm and young Darwin Yang needs only half a point to get an IM norm.
Round 8: An early blunder
I had black against Bryan Smith today, and blundered earlier than usual (17…Nxd4??),….. I completely missed Bryan’s 19.Be4! winning immediately. I was attempting to give my queen away for a rook, bishop, and pawn which would have been fine, but I should have played 17…Qf4 with equality.
In better news, Dean Ippolito took a losing position and was able to swindle Davorin Kuljasevic in time trouble, and win the game! Dean needs to beat Darwin Yang in the last round to get a GM norm. Speaking of Darwin, he drew today against Danny Rensch, to secure his second IM norm!
The last round starts at 10AM CDT, and I have white against Irina Krush. We are competing to see who has a worse tournament!