[imagefield_assist|fid=8514|preset=frontpage_200x200|title=|desc=|link=none|origsize=|align=left|width=200|height=200]Round 2: An Exciting Draw
Another day, another draw, but not after some excitement. I played a bit too aggressively in the opening, but the game was quite complex and my opponent, the highest rated in the B group, GM Davorin Kuljasevic, and I used a lot of time in the opening and early middle-game.
Both sides had the advantage at different points, but, with both of us having less than 15 minutes to get to move 40, I declined a draw (which either of us could have claimed!) and made the terrible move 19.b3? Almost any other move was better. My opponent suddenly had the edge, and a few moves later, I offered a draw which, luckily, was accepted, as he had less than 5 minutes on his clock.
Brand new GM Gergely Antal won again to seize the lead with a 2-0 score. The A group saw all decisive games today, which is a complete turnaround from yesterday’s drawfest. Speaking of decisive results, there were 3 in the B Group, as the aforementioned Yang lost to GM Bykhovsky and Irina Krush lost a very long games to GM Diamant and Antal beat IM Danny Rensch.
The tournament is very exciting, and there are no easy games. Lubbock, TX is a very nice town, and the family I am staying with (Lucia, Kevin, and their son Brian) are wonderful people. Everyone makes you feel welcome here in Texas! The temperature is perfect, in the 70s everyday, and there are plenty of places to eat, on and off campus. The rounds start at 2PM Central time every day, and the games are shown live on the internet, and spectators are welcome!
Tomorrow I am black against FM Darwin Yang, who has had a tough start thus far, 0-2.
1. Antal 2.0
2-4. Ippolito, Diamant, Bykhovsky 1.5
5-7. Kuljasevic, Finegold, Smith 1.0
8. Krush 0.5
9-10. Rensch, Yang 0.0
Round 3: No more draws!
I thought drawing all my games was bad, but I broke the streak in a rather unfortunate way! I was black against tailended Darwin Yang, who had lost both of his previous games, but lost a complicated struggle when I miscalculated the tactics in a very complex position. I made my first minor error on move 12 with the ultra aggressive 12…e5!? Instead, 12..Be7 played twice by different GMs, who both went on to win was stronger.
My following moves were no better! 13…Be6?! and 14…b5?! were scary, but it was not yet Halloween! Better was 13…h6 and 14…0-0 and black should weather the storm. Darwin played accurately for the most part, then I was surprised by his winning attempt 23.Re3!? I was expecting him to take a perpetual, especially with his clock ticking down to less than 2 minutes, but, we both missed the even stronger 23.Rc6! Now I could probably draw, but thought I was getting mated in the critical line! Best was 23…cxb2+! 24.Kb1 d2 25.Qb7+ (I thought this lead to mate, but black is fine) Kf8 26.Qb4+ Kg8! (missed this move)…and the best white can do is win my queen for two rooks and the resulting ending is likely drawn. A difficult, but exciting match.
I am white in round 4 versus the hapless Danny Rensch, who is still standing on 0 points.
Standings After Round 3:
Group B
1-2. Antal, Bykhovsky 2.5
3-4. Diamant, Ippolito 2.0
5-6. Kuljasevic, Smith 1.5
7-9. Finegold, Krush, Yang 1.0
10. Rensch 0.0