2025 St Louis Chess Summer Camps

Chess Summer Camps are the perfect way to introduce the game of chess to new students, deepen understanding of the game for established players, or offer intensive instruction for aspiring chess masters. Grandmaster instructors provide daily lessons, puzzles, and play to help guide students through each session.

The Saint Louis Chess Club is a non-profit, educational organization committed to making chess an integral part of our community. Chess is a valuable educational tool that helps teach important lessons including problem solving, critical thinking, sportsmanship, patience and goal setting — plus, it is fun!

STL Chess Club Summer Camps

Chess Summer Camps for Children Ages 6 - 14

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Full Day: 9 AM - 4 PM
Half Day: 9 AM - NOON

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Full Day: $475.00
Half Day: $280.00

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Registrations close at 9 PM the preceding Monday of each camp

A Typical Day of Chess Summer Camp in St Louis

8:30 – 9am Arrival
9:15 – 10am Chess Lesson #1 and Play
10 – 10:15am Snack (provided by Chess Club)
10:15 – 10:45 Free Play
10:45 – 12pm Organized Event (Tournament, Game Analysis, Slow Game, Bughouse, Puzzle Contest, etc)
12 – 12:15pm Departure for AM Students
12 – 1pm Lunch and Free Play
12:45 – 1pm Arrival for PM Students
1 – 2pm Chess Lesson #2 and Play
2 – 2:15pm Snack (Provided by Chess Club)
2:15 – 2:45pm Free Play
2:45 – 4pm Organized Event
4 – 4:15pm Departure

The Square-By-Square Specifics of Chess Summer Camp

Chess Summer Camp Instruction in St Louis MO

Instruction offers a solid basic foundation, emphasizing the fundamental skills needed to begin a lifetime of learning in chess, including:

  • Proper piece and board set-up
  • Algebraic Notation (Chess Language)
  • Basic Principles of Play

Grandmasters then provide expert instruction building on these skills and covering more advanced ideas, including:

  • Tactics
  • Strategy
  • Middlegame Planning
  • Endgame Technique
STL Chess Summer Camp Coloring Page
St Louis Chess Summer Camps for Kids

Each chess summer camp provides opportunities to practice these skills in a variety of activities and workshops with classmates under the observation of a Grandmaster and experienced Chess Instructors from the Saint Louis Chess Club.

If you are a scout in Scouting America, you can earn your Chess Merit Badge through one of our week-long summer camps. Let your camp councilors know on your first day of camp that you want to work on this during the session.

Scouting Chess Merit Badge Workbook with Scouts

The Pawn-Level Particulars of Chess Summer Camp

Drop Off

Campers may be dropped off at 8:45 AM at the earliest.

Half Day afternoon campers should be dropped off between 12:45 PM and 1 PM.

Pick Up

Half day morning campers should be picked up between NOON and 12:15 PM.

All campers must be picked up by 4:15 PM.

A fee will be charged for all campers picked up late.


The Saint Louis Chess Club will provide light snacks (including beverages) during scheduled snack times.

Students should bring their own sack lunch.

Please note any student allergies on the registration form.


A full refund, minus a $50 service fee, is provided for all cancellation requests received 30 days prior to camp start date.

No refunds are provided if the cancellation is not received 30 days prior to camp start date without a doctor’s note or extenuating circumstances.

It is possible to switch camp sessions prior to the beginning of any camp session, with a $75 change fee per student.


Photos may be taken at these summer camps by a Saint Louis Chess Club photographer and used for marketing purposes.


For any further questions, please email us at scholastics@saintlouischessclub.org.

Kids Enjoying STL Chess Summer Camp
Summer Chess Camp for Kids in St Louis MO
Chess Summer Camp in St Louis MO
boys playing chess at STL Chess Summer Camp
hispanic girl playing at st louis chess summer camp