Chess Research

The Saint Louis Chess Club is committed to gathering and sharing knowledge about the impact of playing chess on student outcomes. STLCC’s interest and participation in research on chess supports its mission to increase awareness of the educational value of chess.

boy enjoying chess

Chess Research Activities

The Saint Louis Chess Club is engaged in the following chess research activities:

  • Commissioned a rigorous and comprehensive review of research on the overall impact of scholastic chess programs. The review can be used to inform education decision-makers about implementing effective educational programs in schools.
  • Provides access to chess studies through its research portal.
  • Invites researchers to share their insights and highlight trends in chess through its Blog.
  • Partners with researchers to evaluate the Chess Club’s after-school scholastic chess program in school districts in Missouri.
  • Engages a strong group of academic researchers and practitioners in a chess research advisory panel that provides guidance on methodology and strategies to facilitate new research on chess.

Studies commissioned by the Saint Louis Chess Club examined the degree to which existing empirical evidence supports the theory that participation in chess programs, whether designed as in-school or after-school programs, resulted in improved academic, cognitive, and/or behavioral outcomes for school-aged children.

Twenty-four studies met a set of pre-determined criteria for eligibility and were included in analyses.

The literature review found that after-school chess programs had a positive and statistically significant impact on mathematics outcomes and in-school chess interventions had a positive and statistically significant impact on mathematics and cognitive outcomes.

Chess Students

While the two primary outcomes are based on studies that used rigorous research design methodologies, the results should be interpreted cautiously given the small number of eligible studies that the pooled results encompass (two high-quality after-school studies and six high-quality in-school studies).

The after-school chess studies examined competitive chess clubs and provided very little detail about how the programs were implemented. On the other hand, the in-school chess studies examined scholastic chess programs that use chess as a springboard to work on cognitive and academic skills that are critical to student performance.

Effect of After-School Chess Programs on Mathematics Outcomes

Graph Chess Research on After-School Chess Programs Mathematic Outcomes
Note: Circles indicate weighted mean effect sizes. Squares indicate standardized mean difference effect sizes from individual studies. Whiskers indicate 95 percent confidence interval.

Ongoing Chess Research

The positive mathematics and cognitive outcome results from in-school chess studies may be explained by the chess programs being incorporated into students’ weekly academic schedules, instruction during the school day leading to higher attendance rates and lower attrition, administering the program for an extended period of time, and connecting the intervention with math instruction and curriculum.

With assistance from our research partners, the Saint Louis Chess Club has designed assessments that are being piloted with students in after-school chess programs in St Louis, Missouri. The assessments look at three broad types of outcomes.

  • First, the assessments determine if the after-school chess program experience is increasing students’ confidence in their ability to play chess.
  • Second, the assessments measure if students are catching the chess “bug,” and will continue to make chess a part of their lives after the class concludes.
  • Finally, the assessments measure the impact of chess on certain non-cognitive and character skills, such as increased school engagement and enjoyment, higher feelings of self-efficacy, and increased self-control and determination.

After learning from this pilot phase, the goal is to launch a more rigorous evaluation of our after-school chess programs, including an experimental study with a randomized treatment and control group.

Chess Research Advisory Panel

The chess research advisory panel is currently undergoing changes and will be updated once individuals are confirmed.