Become a Member
- A complimentary private lesson with new membership purchase
- Free classes taught by the Resident Grandmasters and Club Instructors
- Open play with members and staff for all levels
- Access to Club library
- Join a community of chess enthusiasts
Access to special events
- FIDE rated tournaments
- USCF rated tournaments
- Weekly opportunities for blitz, rapid, and classical tournaments
- Discounted ticket to Opening & Closing Ceremony of U.S. Chess & Women’s Championships
- Regular class schedule ranging from beginner through advanced-level for all ages
- Grandmaster in Residence Program
- Private Lessons at any level
- Weekly tournaments
- Premier professional tournaments featuring the world’s best players
- Online educational programming through the STLChessClub’s YouTube & Twitch channels
Joint Membership
The Saint Louis Chess Club is located directly across the street from the World Chess Hall of Fame (WCHOF). Together, the Saint Louis Chess Club and the World Chess Hall of Fame offer joint members the opportunity to play chess with grandmasters and novices alike at the STLCC, and also experience the cultural and artistic significance of the game at the WCHOF.
Joint Membership Benefits
- All standard STLCC member benefits
- E-mail updates/newsletters
- 20% discount in the WCHOF’s gift store, Q Boutique
- Invitations to special events, including Member Nights and Exhibition Opening Receptions
- Discounts on programs and ticketed events
- WCHOF member gift