Puzzle 1: 2018
White: Tamas Fodor Black: Michael Adams
Black to move – Find the best continuation
1…, g5+; 2. fxg5, Qxe5 or 1…, g5+; 2. Kh5, Qg6++
Puzzle 2: 1982
White: Zoltan Ribli Black: Oleg Romanishin
Black to move, find the best defense
1…, Bf6!; 2. Bxf6, Rxg3+; 3. Qxg3, Qh1+ and the players agreed to a draw in the game as white can not escape the checks for example 4. Kg4, Qxe4+; 5. Qf4, Qg2+; 6. Qg3, Qe4+
1. …., Bf6; 2. Rxg8, Qxh4++
Puzzles 3: 2005
White: Vassily Ivanchuk Black: Alexander Moiseenko
Black to move, find the best defense
1…, Nf8 preparing perpetual check ideas with Qd1-Qh5+; 2. Rh6, Rxb7; 3. Qxb7, Qd1+; 4. Kh2, Rh5+; 5. Rxh5, Qxh5+; 5. Kg3, Qg5+; 6. Kf3, Qf5+ and white can not escape the checks so the players agreed to a draw
1…., Nf8; 2. Bxg7, Kg8; 3. Rd6, Qxd6; 4. Qc4+, Ne6; 5. Rxb8+, Kxg7 and now white would need to find a perpetual check to save the game
Puzzle 4: 2009
White: Darryl Johansen Black: Kore Akshayraj
White to move
1. f5, gxf5; 2. d5 1-0
Puzzle 5: 1997
White: Peter Nielsen Black: Bent Larsen
Black to move
1. …, Be4! , 2. fxe4 (now the e4 square is weak), Qh1+; 3. Kf2, Nxe4+ (the point); 4. Qxe4, Qxe4 and black when on to win quickly
1. …, Be4; 2. Qd2, e5; 3. Nb5, Nxe2; 4. Qxe2, Bxf3 wins the house