Puzzle 1: 2020
White: Tatev Abrahamyan Black: Carissa Yip
Black to move, mate in 7
1. Nf3+ gxf3 2. Qxh3 fxg3 (Ra8+ is the computer defense that prolongs the mate to 7 moves but fxg3 was played in the game) 3. Qxg3+ Kf1 (Kh1 4. Bf3#) 4. Qxf3+ Bf2 (Kg1 5. Qg2#) 5. Qh3+ Ke2 (Kg1 6. Qg2#) 6. Qd3#
Puzzle 2: 2016
White: Alexey Shirov Black: Sam Sevin
Black to move, mate in 5
1. Qa1+ Kxb3 2. Qb2+ Kc4 3. Qb4+ Kd5 4. Be4+ Shirov resigned here because of Qxe4 5. Qc5#
Puzzles 3: 1931
Endgame Study by Mark Liburkin
White to move
1.Nc1 Rxb5 (1. Kb2 2.Nd3+ wins) 2 .c7 Rd5+ 3 .Nd3 Rxd3+ 4. Kc2 Rd4 this is the Saavedra position White wins with 5.c8=R (c8=Q Rc4+ draws) Ra4 6.Kb3.
1. Nc1 Rd5+ 2.Kc2 (2. Nd3 Rxd3+ 3. Kc2 Rd5 4. Kc3 Rxb5 draws 2.Ke2 Rxb5 3.c7 Re5+ draws) 2. Rc5+ 3.Kd3 (3.Kd2 Rxb5 4.c7 [4.Nb3+ Rxb3 5.c7 Rb2+ 5.Kd1 Rc2 6.Kxc2 stalemate) 3. Rxb5 (3. Rxc1 4. Kd4 intending 5.Kd5 and 6 .b6 wins) 4.c7 Rb8 now 5.cxb8=Q and 5.cxb8=R are stalemate, 5. cxb8=N is a draw, 5.Nb3+ Rxb3+ 6.Kc2 Rb2+ 7.Kc1 (7.Kc3 Kb1 and Black wins) draws after 7. Rb1+ or 7.Rb4 8.c8=Q (8.c8=R Ra4) Rc4+. White can only win with 5.cxb8=B
Puzzle 4: 1998
White:Joel Benjamin Black: Eduard Geufel
White to move
1. Qe6+ Kh8 (Rf7 will be disastrous after Nxf7 or Qf7) 2. Qxh6 (Nf7+ is a good move for White but Qxh6 is stronger, black can’t play 2. gxh6 due to 3. Nf7 + Kg8+ Nh6#) Nf5 (Rf6 is what Stockfish recommends but Qh5 Qc1 or Qd2 will leave white with a huge advantage, Black’s king is too weak and White’s pieces are coordinating very well while Black’s Queen is far away from defending) 3. Ng6+ Kg8 4. Rxd5 Guefeld resigned here because of Nxh6 5. Rxb5+ Nf7 (Rf7 6. Ne5) 6. Nxf8 and Black is a clear piece down and has no hope.