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October 2018 Chess Puzzle Answer Key

1. Puzzle 1 - Tyunin - Plokhotniuk
chess puzzle
Black to move
White: Vladislav Tyunin
Black: Vladimir Plokhotniuk
Golubitskaya 2017
A: 1. …, g5, Bg3; 2. h5
2. Puzzle 2 - Guillermo Baches - Marin
chess puzzle
Black to move
White: Mihail Marin
Black: Guillermo Baches
Andorra Erts 2012
A: 1..., Rxe2; 2. Nex2, Qe7; 3. Bxe3, Bxe3; 4. fxe3, Qxe3; 5. Rf2, Ne4
3. Puzzle 3 - Peter - Steven
chess puzzle
Black to move
White: Peter Gayson
Black: Steven Botterill
Swansea 1987
A: 1. …, Nh4; 2. Qg3, Qxg3; 3. fxg3, Rxe3; 4. gxh4, Rxc3 
4. Puzzle 4 - Vasily - Igor
chess puzzle
Black to move
White: Vasily Panov
Black: Igor Bondarevsky
Tbilisi 1937
A: 1. …., Bxh3!; 2. gxh3, Bxf2+; 3. Kxf2, Qh2+; 4. Kf1, Re3