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Quang Liem Le vs. Daniil Dubov, Gibraltar 2017 | Secret Life of Pawns - GM Josh Friedel

Grandmaster Josh Friedel shows one of his favorite games from the 2018 Gibraltar Chess Festival, Vietnamese Le Quang Liem vs. Russian Daniil Dubov. See how pawns determine where your pieces should be.

Le Quang Liem vs Daniil Dubov, Tradewise Gibraltar (2018): B31 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with ...g6, without ...d6)

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A Young Grandmaster’s Reflection On His Time in Saint Louis

Back in July of 2016, my family decided to move from New Jersey to Saint Louis in order to help support my chess ambition. Moving to the chess capital of the country was an exciting change as it allowed me to be closer to the heart of U.S. chess. Upon entering 2018, I thought it fitting to indulge in some nostalgia and relate my experiences over the last year-and-a-half as a member of the local Saint Louis chess community.

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GM Wesley So and GM Akshat Chandra

Mind Sport Mashup: Learning from Robotics and Chess

When I was at the St. Louis Student Robotics Association’s “Mind Sport Mashup,” I got the opportunity to play an amazing chess player.  I had a very fun experience playing the Grandmaster from the Saint Louis Chess Club; even though he was significantly more skilled than me, I still think I put up a pretty good fight. All fun aside, when I saw that there was going to be a robotics and chess expo at SLU, I started thinking about how robotics and chess were related.

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Carlsen Blunders at Tata Steel, Then Wins it All! | Play Like a Pro - GM Josh Friedel

Grandmaster Josh Friedel exhibits how elite grandmasters blunder and how they handle the fallout. World Champion Magnus Carlsen's 2018 Wijk aan Zee campaign was nearly derailed against English GM Gawain Jones. Not only did Carlsen rebound, but he won the tournament.

Magnus Carlsen vs Gawain Jones, Tata Steel (2018): B76 Sicilian, dragon, Yugoslav attack, Rauser variation

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X-Rays & Pawn Wedges | Tactics Time!

National Master Jim McLaughlin looks at X-ray attacks and pawn wedges. X-rays are when the effect of a queen, rook, or bishop is felt beyond its immediate attack. A pawn wedge is a passed pawn in the middlegame that cramps the opponent's position.


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Tournament Blog: Winners, Upsets, & More

Over the final weekend of January 2018, the Saint Louis Chess Club hosted an event called “Chess Like It Oughta Be”. The tournament was 5 rounds with a time control of Game in 40 minutes with a 5 second delay.

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Chess Like It Oughta Be

Columbia Elementary's Chess Journey

Last school year, Columbia Elementary welcomed the Saint Louis Chess Club into their school by way of a single instructor, who is referred to with endearment as Queen Thomas.  With an everyday assignment of sharing chess with grades 1-6, Queen Thomas and the school began their journey together.

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