Learn the Najdorf: Main Line 6.Bg5 | Chess Openings Explained - NM Caleb Denby | lichess.org
National Master Caleb Denby continues his series on the Najdorf. In part 7, learn about the main line 6.Bg5.
National Master Caleb Denby continues his series on the Najdorf. In part 7, learn about the main line 6.Bg5.
The best and brightest students of GM Varuzhan Akobian's Select Chess program compete in a G/15 five-round Swiss on lichess.org for a grand prize of three hours of online grandmaster lessons. Join GM Josh Friedel for the move-by-move.
Jonathan Schrantz goes live on Twitch with a final drive to reach the $1200 goal to fund chess programming at Nance Elementary School.
On Feb. 19, 2020, the Saint Louis Chess Club launched the donation initiative on Twitch to fund chess programming at Nance Elementary, a school in the St. Louis Public School District.
Revenue from Twitch is almost exclusively generated on a volunteer basis through donations from viewers who enjoy the content and are able to support it financially.
imafungi vs. Jonathan Schrantz, 2020: C56 Two knights defence
National Master Caleb Denby follows up to his class on "Corresponding Squares" with a session on the different systems to determine corresponding squares. Don't be afraid to watch this advanced class twice.
FIRST SESSION: https://youtu.be/GypgXL6L-ag
National Master Caleb Denby looks at games from world champion Alexander Alekhine that demonstrate how to improve specific chess pieces. Specifically, see the "Alekhine's Gun" game from Sanremo in 1930.
International Master Dorsa Derakhshani analyzes one of her Reti games from Lugano Paradiso 2017.
Fabrizio Patuzzo vs. Dorsa Derakhshani, 2017: A05 Reti opening
The best and brightest students of GM Varuzhan Akobian's Select Chess program compete on lichess.org for a grand prize of three hours of online grandmaster lessons. Join GM Josh Friedel for the move-by-move.
National Master Caleb Denby teaches a chess endgame class. 2020.08.19
Grandmaster Josh Friedel takes a deep dive into two endgames that he loves to teach his students. See wins by Magnus Carlsen and former U.S. Champion Sam Shankland.
Magnus Carlsen vs Michael Adams, Baku Grand Prix (2008)
Jorge Soto Vega vs Samuel Shankland, American Continental (2018)
National Master Caleb Denby equips you with the tools to get on the road to a 2000 chess rating.
Alexander Alekhine vs Aron Nimzowitsch, San Remo (1930): C17 French, Winawer, advance, Bogolyubov variation