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Superbet Chess Classic 2024: Round 2 | #GrandChessTour

Live from the Grand Hotel Bucharest, the 5th Superbet Chess Classic is the second of five legs of the Grand Chess Tour. The nine Tour players are joined by a wildcard (pairings below) for a classical round robin. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Evgeny Miroshnichenko, & Cristian Chirila, IM Jovanka Houska, and WGM Anastasiya Karlovich for the move-by-move.

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RECAP | Superbet Chess Classic 2024: Round 1 | #GrandChessTour

Grandmaster JJ Ali Marandi recaps Round 1 of the Superbet Chess Classic. Taking place at the Grand Hotel Bucharest, the 5th Superbet Chess Classic is the second of five legs of the Grand Chess Tour. The nine Tour players are joined by a wildcard (pairings below) for a classical round robin.

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Superbet Chess Classic 2024: Round 1 | #GrandChessTour

Live from the Grand Hotel Bucharest, the 5th Superbet Chess Classic is the second of five legs of the Grand Chess Tour. The nine Tour players are joined by a wildcard (pairings below) for a classical round robin. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Evgeny Miroshnichenko, & Cristian Chirila, IM Jovanka Houska, and WGM Anastasiya Karlovich for the move-by-move.

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2024 Cairns Cup: Round 9 | Final Round

Live from the World Chess Hall of Fame, ten of the world's best female chess players compete in the fourth Cairns Cup, a classical round robin event (players below). Join GM Yasser Seirawan, and IMs Jovanka Houska, Nazi Paikidze, & Begim Tokhirjonova for the move-by-move.

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