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Beat Offbeat Chess Lines! | Prepare Like A Pro - GM Elshan Moradiabadi

Grandmaster Elshan Moradiabadi demonstrates how to stymie wacky openings like the Stafford and Elephant gambits.

Boris Savchenko vs Viktorija Cmilyte, Politiken Cup (2011): C52 Evans gambit, Tartakower attack
C40 QP counter-gambit, Maroczy gambit
C50 Giuoco Piano, Jerome gambit
C63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann defence, Berger variation
C42 Petrov's defence

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Elshan Does Pushups in a Dark Room | HIGHLIGHT

During his Grandmaster's Choice class on the Endgame Labyrinth, Grandmaster Elshan Moradiabadi loses a bet with himself. He honors it by doing ten pushups in front of the class.


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