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Blunders #3 with Catherine & Ryan

Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan looks at game submissions from YouTube viewers. Amongst the rubble are some gems.

Anish's game: D10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence
D11 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 3.Nf3
Smothered mate: C80 Ruy Lopez, open, 8...Be6
C00 French, King's Indian attack
D11 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 3.Nf3
C43 Petrov, Urusov gambit

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Akobian at Gibraltar 2017 | Endgame Exclam!! - GM Varuzhan Akobian

Ben Simon covers the best of the ninth round of this international tournament. Twenty players from ten nations compete in two ten-player round robins with a combined $20,000 prize fund. Hear from winners GM David Howell and GM Andrey Baryshpolets.

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Scholastic Tournament Blog: Chess Carnival

by Scholastic Coordinator Richard Pointer


On Sunday, February 26, Scholastics held the 2017 Chess Carnival at Webster Groves High School. This was our first tournament with a middle and high school section and the number of participants swelled to 185 players. The four-round tournament featured a lot of fighting chess, as only those with perfect records and good tiebreaks were likely to take home top trophies.

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