Puzzle 1: 2020 Clutch Chess
White: Hikaru Nakamura Black: Wesley So
White to move
Answer: 1. Nxe6! (and Wesley resigned here) , fxe6; 2. Rxe6, Rf8; 3. Rf6+, Kh8; 4. Rxf8+, Bxf8; 5. Bf6+, Bg7; 6. Rd8++ is a nice sample line of how lost blacks position
Puzzle 2: 2020 Clutch Chess
White: Leinier Dominguez Black: Fabiano Caruana
Black to move
Answer: 1. …, Be6+; 2. Qf5+, Bxf5+; 3. Kh4, Rg2; 4. Bc5+, Kf7; 5. c3, Bg3++ (Rh2++ works as well)
Puzzles 3: Buenos Aires 1970
White: Robert James Fischer Black: Oscar Panno
White to move, how can you bring all your pieces into the attack?
Answer: Be4! (other moves such as hxg6 and Nxh7 are also strong but Be4 really is a step above the others – Fischer uses all his pieces in the attack!)
28. Be4, Qe7; 29. Nxh7, Nxh7; 30 . hxg6, fxg6; 31. Bxg6, Ng5; 32. Nh5, Nf3+; 33. Kg2, Nh4+; 34. Kg3, Nxg6; 35. Nf6+, Kf7; 36. Qh7+
if 28. Be4, dxe4; 29. N3xe4, Nd6; 30. hxg6, hxg6; 31. Nf6+ (Nxd6 is technically even stronger but 31. Nf6 seems a very practical way to convert), Qxf6; 32. exf6
Puzzle 4: 1999
White: Iwona Kubicka Black: Jolanta Zawadzka
Black to move
Answer: 1. …, Rxh4; 2. gxf4, Qg4; 3. f3, Qxg2++