Puzzle 1: 2020 FIDE Online Olympiad
White: Julia Alboredo Black: Carissa Yip
Black to move
1. …, Rxf5; 2. Qxf5, e3; 3. Qh3, e2
Puzzle 2: 2017 World Junior Championship (Girls)
White: Jennifer Yu Black: Zsuzsana
White to move
1. Na5, Rxa5; 2. bxa5
1. Na5, Rxe3; 2. Nxb7+, Kc7; 3. Nxd8, Rb3; 4. Nxc6, Kxb6; 5. Na5, Rb2; 6. Rc6+, Ka7; 7. Rc7+, Kb8; 8. Rxg7
Puzzles 3: 44th Eastern Open Tysons – 2017
White: Neo Zhu Black: Alexander Shabalov
Black to move – checkmate in four
1. …, Rxg2+; 2. Kxg2, Rxf2+!; 3. Kxf2, Qxh2+; 4. Kf1, Bh3++
Puzzle 4: 2020 Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz
White: Ian Nepomniachtchi Black: Jeffery Xiong
Black to move
1…., Nbd4!; 2. Bb5, Nxc2+ and the weak white king will cost white everything – the game continued -; 3. Ke2, 0-0 ; 4. Bxc6, Rb8; 5. Qxa7, Nd4+; 6. Ke1, Nc2+; 7. Ke2, Rb6; 8. Na3, Nd4+; 9. Ke1, Nxc6; 10. Qa4, Nxe5; 11.Bh6, Qd5; 12. f3, Rxb2