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Neighbors fume over art studio's exhaust and noise -

Marcel Dzama, Jon Crumiller - Thu, 11/17/2011 - 00:09

Neighbors fume over art studio's exhaust and noise
Korin approached KB's owner, Konstantin Bojanov, who has built sculptures for artists such as Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, Marcel Dzama, Richard Prince and Christian Jankowski, about the fumes. Wearing a mask as he spoke, Bojanov said he'd put a fan on ...

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World Chess Hall of Fame moves to St. Louis - Alton Telegraph

Shannon Bailey - Mon, 11/07/2011 - 22:30

World Chess Hall of Fame moves to St. Louis
Alton Telegraph
“It has a different mission than in Miami, looking at the game's multicultural aspects in music, journalism, film, literature and all aspects of everyday life,” said Vice President-Exhibitions and Curatorial Affairs Shannon Bailey, who has an art and ...

Pal Benko - Wikipedia

World Chess Hall of Fame - Sat, 10/08/2011 - 06:14
Pal Benko  Wikipedia
