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St. Louis AND Chess

The Sublime Moves Of America’s New Chess Champion - FiveThirtyEight

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Tue, 04/11/2017 - 02:00
The Sublime Moves Of America’s New Chess Champion  FiveThirtyEight

ST. LOUIS — In 1972, Bobby Fischer became the world chess champion in the most-watched chess event in history, a best-of-24-game Cold War match against ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Brennan: Would We Question St. Louis Leadership If Prop 2 Passed? - CBS St. Louis

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Fri, 04/07/2017 - 19:58

CBS St. Louis

Brennan: Would We Question St. Louis Leadership If Prop 2 Passed?
CBS St. Louis
Rex Sinquefield has put St. Louis on the map in the chess world. Mark Wrighton oversees one of the great universities in the country. Kelvin Adams is improving the troubled schools. Steve Stenger and Jon Belmar led the passage of Prop P to raise police ...

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Sinquefields to chip in $6M for Chesterfield sports foundation | Metro ... -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/06/2017 - 23:01

Sinquefields to chip in $6M for Chesterfield sports foundation | Metro ...
A rendering of the BASE (Baseball and Softball Education) Foundation plan for POWERplex, a 74-acre sports campus in the Chesterfield Valley for youth sports ...

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Chess named one of top four teams in nation - The University News

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/06/2017 - 22:24

The University News

Chess named one of top four teams in nation
The University News
However, the team can rightfully be considered the brainchild of SLU alumnus and chess fan Rex Sinquefield. The team is not simply a club activity or organization, but rather an effort by the university and other parties to recruit promising players ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Walking back in time through the English Cotswolds -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Sat, 03/25/2017 - 08:32

Walking back in time through the English Cotswolds
... hiker coming toward us if we were on the correct path to the village of Broadway. When he learned we were from St. Louis, he asked if we knew Rex Sinquefield. “I am an avid chess player and know he opened the World Chess Hall of Fame there,” he said.

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Commentary: Turning checkmate into checks - St. Louis Business Journal

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 03/16/2017 - 19:53

St. Louis Business Journal

Commentary: Turning checkmate into checks
St. Louis Business Journal
When I decided to open the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis, it was with the humble ambition of pushing some pawns down the board. It blossomed into something much more than I could have expected. Over the last nine years, while St.

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Editorial: Short takes on human athletes, car-racing doldrums and anti-privacy conspirators -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Fri, 02/24/2017 - 16:06

Editorial: Short takes on human athletes, car-racing doldrums and anti-privacy conspirators
Billionaire Rex Sinquefield, founder of the Chess Club, and the Scholastic Center are the brains behind a great idea to pit students at Gateway Middle School against St. Louis' finest. The program, Cops Helping Enhance Student Skills, also will play ...

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

St. Louis cops to partner with public school students for chess -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Wed, 02/22/2017 - 18:49

St. Louis cops to partner with public school students for chess
The group already has instructors at 29 St. Louis public schools, but training officers to become instructors offers an added bonus to teaching children the strategy, focus and patience that come with the game, said Rex Sinquefield, founder of the ...
St. Louis police and students learning about chess and each

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

St. Louis police and students learning about chess and each other -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Wed, 02/22/2017 - 18:38

St. Louis police and students learning about chess and each other
Students and police learn the game along side Chess Club members. Chess Club President and founder Rex Sinquefield says there is no equivalent in teaching a kid how to focus. “You watch these kids concentrate. I bet at this age they don't concentrate ...
St. Louis cops to partner with public school students for

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Invitații refuzate - Dilema veche

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Mon, 02/13/2017 - 05:44

Dilema veche

Invitații refuzate
Dilema veche
Unii dintre cei ce au refuzat invitația federației au preferat să dea mai multă importanță seriei Grand Chess Tour, sponsorizată în mare parte de magnatul american Rex Sinquefield, care pune la bătaie premii mai mari. Alții boicotează federația (cum e ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Retrospectiva celor mai importante evenimente din şah în 2016 - Dilema veche

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Mon, 12/26/2016 - 14:32

Dilema veche

Retrospectiva celor mai importante evenimente din şah în 2016
Dilema veche
Aflată la a doua ediţie anuală, seria nu este organizată de FIDE, ci de un comitet privat care îi mobilizează pe sponsori, mai precis pe magnatul american Rex Sinquefield. Au fost patru turnee Grand Chess Tour anul acesta, la Paris, Leuven, Saint Louis ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess
