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St. Louis AND Chess

Checkmate Me In St Louis - BBC News

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 05/05/2016 - 07:45

BBC News

Checkmate Me In St Louis
BBC News
The city has become a world centre for the game of chess. Its status has partly been achieved by funding from a controversial multi-millionaire, whose childhood included time in an orphanage. Rex Sinquefield is well known for his fascination with the ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

On Chess: Ultimate blitz chess match results in ultimate generosity - St. Louis Public Radio

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 05/05/2016 - 05:24

On Chess: Ultimate blitz chess match results in ultimate generosity
St. Louis Public Radio
In what could easily be considered the most anticipated blitz event in the world, Garry Kasparov was summoned by the patriarch of modern chess, Rex Sinquefield, to take on the best players in American chess and arguably in the world. It was an exciting ...

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

St. Louisan crowned U.S. chess champion - St. Louis Business Journal

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Fri, 04/29/2016 - 07:43

St. Louis Business Journal

St. Louisan crowned U.S. chess champion
St. Louis Business Journal
"Nobody had any idea St. Louis could become a chess hub," Caruana told the New Yorker. The publication recounts the "unlikely" shift of the chess epicenter to St. Louis through the efforts of retired financial executive and political donor Rex ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest - The New Yorker

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/28/2016 - 16:14

The New Yorker

A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest
The New Yorker
The American chess player—and second-ranked player in the world—Fabiano Caruana (right) in a match against the Russian player Sergey Karjakin at the Candidates Cup, last month. ... The unlikely shift can be attributed almost entirely to the efforts ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest - The New Yorker

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/28/2016 - 02:00
A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest  The New Yorker

Charles Bethea on the American chess player Fabiano Caruana, who recently bought a house in St. Louis, the newest U.S. epicenter of chess.

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest - The New Yorker

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/28/2016 - 02:00
A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest  The New Yorker

Charles Bethea on the American chess player Fabiano Caruana, who recently bought a house in St. Louis, the newest U.S. epicenter of chess.

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest - The New Yorker

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/28/2016 - 02:00
A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest  The New Yorker

Charles Bethea on the American chess player Fabiano Caruana, who recently bought a house in St. Louis, the newest U.S. epicenter of chess.

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest - The New Yorker

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/28/2016 - 02:00
A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest  The New Yorker

Charles Bethea on the American chess player Fabiano Caruana, who recently bought a house in St. Louis, the newest U.S. epicenter of chess.

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest - The New Yorker

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Thu, 04/28/2016 - 02:00
A Chess Renaissance in the Midwest  The New Yorker

Charles Bethea on the American chess player Fabiano Caruana, who recently bought a house in St. Louis, the newest U.S. epicenter of chess.

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

St. Louis University looks to challenge SPICE - Webster Journal

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Wed, 04/27/2016 - 14:54

St. Louis University looks to challenge SPICE
Webster Journal
Financial executive Rex Sinquefield is president and chairman of the board at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis. He came up with the idea of starting the program. Sinquefield is also a member of SLU's board of trustees. SLU looks to ...

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Turnee la zi - Dilema veche

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Wed, 04/27/2016 - 07:50

Turnee la zi
Dilema veche
Saint Louis, unul dintre numeroasele orașe numite după sfîntul rege Ludovic al IX-lea al Franței, a devenit un pol al șahului american și nu numai de cînd magnatul Rex Sinquefield s-a decis să investească într-unul dintre cele mai luxoase cluburi de ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

American chess preparing for serious battle with Russia, China and India - The Guardian

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Fri, 04/22/2016 - 13:12

The Guardian

American chess preparing for serious battle with Russia, China and India
The Guardian
American chess, bankrolled by the billionaire Maecenas Rex Sinquefield and with help from Garry Kasparov, is limbering up for a serious struggle with the game's other superpowers Russia, China and India. This weekend's final rounds of the $194,000 ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

American chess preparing for serious battle with Russia, China and India - The Guardian

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Fri, 04/22/2016 - 13:12

The Guardian

American chess preparing for serious battle with Russia, China and India
The Guardian
American chess, bankrolled by the billionaire Maecenas Rex Sinquefield and with help from Garry Kasparov, is limbering up for a serious struggle with the game's other superpowers Russia, China and India. This weekend's final rounds of the $194,000 ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

USA Championship - BusinessWorld Online Edition

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Wed, 04/20/2016 - 10:33

USA Championship
BusinessWorld Online Edition
In 2007, Rex Sinquefield, a private fund manager, put up the seed capital to open the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis with a mission to “maintain a formal program of instruction to teach the game of chess and to promote and support its ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Editorial: Short Takes on the newest name in Texas education, a no-brainer helmet law and other items in the news -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Fri, 04/08/2016 - 16:04

Editorial: Short Takes on the newest name in Texas education, a no-brainer helmet law and other items in the news
... students from 14 nations make up her 20-person squad. The win must have offered at least some comfort to local chess patron Rex Sinquefield, who took a 72-28 (percent) pounding Tuesday in his other favorite sport, trying to eliminate the city ...

Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

St. Louis earnings tax issue has turned political friends into foes. -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Mon, 04/04/2016 - 12:14

St. Louis earnings tax issue has turned political friends into foes.
Brown said he has met with Slay and his staff at Sinquefield's farm, the posh St. Louis Racquet Club and Sinquefield's chess club to discuss ways to reduce the city's reliance on the tax. Those discussions have produced few results, he said. Slay said ...

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

St. Louis earnings tax heads to voters -

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Sat, 04/02/2016 - 11:00

St. Louis earnings tax heads to voters
Rex Sinquefield, a multimillionaire stock market pioneer, is adamantly against it. Sinquefield is Slay's largest campaign donor, adding to the political intrigue. “I'm not beholden to any donor,” Slay said last month. Sinquefield is a longtime opponent ...

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess

Sergey Karjakin to face Magnus Carlsen after victory at Moscow Candidates - The Guardian

St. Louis AND Chess News Feed - Fri, 04/01/2016 - 14:27

The Guardian

Sergey Karjakin to face Magnus Carlsen after victory at Moscow Candidates
The Guardian
It will certainly not be the US chess Maecenas Rex Sinquefield, who has made his home city of St Louis one of the major international centres for the game, and who bankrolled Garry Kasparov's abortive 2014 election campaign against Ilyumzhinov.

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Categories: St. Louis AND Chess
