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Chess Research

Knockaderry school pupils hold their own election on school issues - Limerick Leader

Sun, 03/06/2016 - 03:05

Limerick Leader

Knockaderry school pupils hold their own election on school issues
Limerick Leader
Among other issues, he campaigned for better library books to replace the old, tattered ones that date “from the 1980s”; putting a Bug Hotel in place (“We have farmers in our group”) and more play equipment, such as giant chess. Eoghan and his team ...

Categories: Chess Research

Artificial intelligence brings its brains and money to London - HITC

Sun, 03/06/2016 - 02:41


Artificial intelligence brings its brains and money to London
Shanahan believes the research of his students will help create systems that are even smarter than DeepMind. Demis Hassabis of DeepMind with Lee Se- ... In another corner of the labyrinthine Imperial campus, researchers are working on a very different ...

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Categories: Chess Research

We must continue investing in after-school programs - OCRegister

Sun, 03/06/2016 - 02:04


We must continue investing in after-school programs
A survey by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids – a nonpartisan, research-based organization that I am proud to be a member of, along with 5,000 law enforcement leaders nationally, including 400 here in California – found that kids left unsupervised three or ...

Categories: Chess Research

YEA students to pitch business plans March 17; curator series continues in Litchfield; Mountaineer 5K is April 10 - Torrington Register Citizen

Sun, 03/06/2016 - 01:10

YEA students to pitch business plans March 17; curator series continues in Litchfield; Mountaineer 5K is April 10
Torrington Register Citizen
The 17 students in YEA! at Northwest CT's Chamber are among 9,000 students in 41 states nationwide enrolled in the 30-week entrepreneurial education class that teaches kids how to generate business ideas, conduct market research, write business plans ...

Categories: Chess Research

Criminal or justice crusader? - Radio New Zealand

Sat, 03/05/2016 - 13:44

Radio New Zealand

Criminal or justice crusader?
Radio New Zealand
"He's playing a clever game of chess with the authorities and enjoying his victories. He gets a big kick out of that." That glee is never far from the surface. In one email, Taylor relished the possibility of being able to ... In a little red contact ...

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Categories: Chess Research

WHAT'S HAPPENING for March (Updated March 5) - The Sun Herald

Sat, 03/05/2016 - 10:19

WHAT'S HAPPENING for March (Updated March 5)
The Sun Herald
Picayune Chess Club Tournament: 8-9 a.m. registration, 9:15 a.m. Round one, 1 p.m. Round two and 4:30 p.m. Round three, March 12-13, Holiday Inn Express Suites, 1001 Dauphin St. Cost: $40 entry fee paid by March 4. Details: 901-609-0696. Exploring the ...

and more »
Categories: Chess Research

Artificial intelligence brings its brains and money to London - The Guardian

Sat, 03/05/2016 - 10:05

The Guardian

Artificial intelligence brings its brains and money to London
The Guardian
Many scientists regard sci-fi film Ex Machina as one of the best portrayals of he sometimes slow and laborious work of AI research. Photograph: Film4/Sportsphoto Ltd/ ... Shanahan believes the research of his students will help create systems that are ...

Categories: Chess Research

Spotlight Schools - Herald and News

Sat, 03/05/2016 - 09:42

Spotlight Schools
Herald and News
Triad School — Monday: Student council meeting at lunch; chess club; middle school and high school choral concert in Sacred Heart Catholic Church 7 p.m. Tuesday: Key club meeting at lunch; Spring Fling meeting after school; high school band concert at ...

Categories: Chess Research

Staving off dementia: 5 ways to keep your brain young and healthy -

Sat, 03/05/2016 - 07:01

Staving off dementia: 5 ways to keep your brain young and healthy
Learn a new language, take up chess or even take piano lessons. Stimulating your brain helps to reinvigorate it, Schulz said. “It's something new and it wakes up your brain, giving it a jolt and ... Research backs up Schulz' claim, too: Speaking a ...

Categories: Chess Research

UM Lazarus Project Attracts International Collaborations -

Sat, 03/05/2016 - 07:00

UM Lazarus Project Attracts International Collaborations
They were joined by Phelps; Seales; Keith Knox, of Boeing LTS Air Force Research Laboratory; Roger Easton, of the Rochester Institute of Technology; and Damian Kasotakis, of EMEL. ... Previous Lazarus Project successes include the recovery of “Les ...

Categories: Chess Research

Criminal or justice crusader? - Radio New Zealand

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 20:42

Radio New Zealand

Criminal or justice crusader?
Radio New Zealand
"He's playing a clever game of chess with the authorities and enjoying his victories. He gets a big kick out of that." That glee is never far from the surface. In one email, Taylor relished the possibility of being able to ... In a little red contact ...

Categories: Chess Research

WHAT'S HAPPENING for March (Updated March 5) - The Sun Herald

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 20:40

WHAT'S HAPPENING for March (Updated March 5)
The Sun Herald
Picayune Chess Club Tournament: 8-9 a.m. registration, 9:15 a.m. Round one, 1 p.m. Round two and 4:30 p.m. Round three, March 12-13, Holiday Inn Express Suites, 1001 Dauphin St. Cost: $40 entry fee paid by March 4. Details: 901-609-0696. Exploring the ...

Categories: Chess Research


Fri, 03/04/2016 - 19:31

Redlands Daily Facts
Chess club: Redlands Chess Club meets 2 to 5 p.m. every Friday at Redlands Community Senior Center, 111 W. Lugonia Ave. Players of all ages are welcome, from ... Anyone interested in genealogy research is welcome to attend. Information:; ...

Categories: Chess Research

How Microsoft's 'Garage' Keeps Its Innovative Spark Burning - Knowledge@Wharton

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 16:18

How Microsoft's 'Garage' Keeps Its Innovative Spark Burning
How does a company as large as Microsoft keep its innovative spark alive? At the “Strategies for Success in the New Era of Connected Ecosystems” conference hosted by Wharton's Mack Institute for Innovation Management, Todd Rawlings, the senior quality ...

Categories: Chess Research

Dessert Still Makes Us Happy - 5280 | The Denver Magazine

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 12:36

Dessert Still Makes Us Happy
5280 | The Denver Magazine
It seems, according to NPD Group, a market research company that conducts an annual “Eating Patterns in America” survey, that fewer diners are eating dessert. That doesn't appear to be the case in the Mile High City: Last week, Ace Eat Serve pastry ...

Categories: Chess Research

Is Lebanon Next On The Chopping Block? Recent Saudi, GCC, Turk Moves Suggest That It Is - Center for Research on Globalization

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 09:57

Center for Research on Globalization

Is Lebanon Next On The Chopping Block? Recent Saudi, GCC, Turk Moves Suggest That It Is
Center for Research on Globalization
Fabrice Balanche, a French professor and visiting fellow at the Washington Institute (formerly known as WINEP), recognized as much when he wrote about the possible geopolitical chess moves that might be made by both Turkey and Saudi Arabia. He wrote,.

Categories: Chess Research

The supremely intelligent rat-cyborg - PLoS Blogs (blog)

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 09:32

PLoS Blogs (blog)

The supremely intelligent rat-cyborg
PLoS Blogs (blog)
When Deep Blue battled the reigning human chess champion the world held its breath. Who was smarter … man or machine? A human victory would confirm the superiority of human intelligence, while a victory for Deep Blue would offer great promise for the ...

Categories: Chess Research

Claire Sends Frank A Divorce Note On 'House of Cards' Season 4, Proving She Means Business - Romper

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 06:47


Claire Sends Frank A Divorce Note On 'House of Cards' Season 4, Proving She Means Business
It's such a delicate game of chess. This person moves here, that person moves there, and check mate. I'm not talking about the politics of House of Cards, I'm talking about something infinitely more complicated: the marriage of Claire and Frank ...

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Categories: Chess Research

Your business should demand more from machine learning - Computerworld

Fri, 03/04/2016 - 06:03


Your business should demand more from machine learning
I remember clearly my disappointment when I learned, as a college student, how computers were able to play skilled chess. I was taking my first course in artificial intelligence, and had assumed that such a mysterious and powerful ... Yet today, most ...

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Categories: Chess Research

WHAT'S HAPPENING for March (Updated March 4) - The Sun Herald

Thu, 03/03/2016 - 20:12

WHAT'S HAPPENING for March (Updated March 4)
The Sun Herald
Picayune Chess Club Tournament: 8-9 a.m. registration, 9:15 a.m. Round one, 1 p.m. Round two and 4:30 p.m. Round three, March 12-13, Holiday Inn Express Suites, 1001 Dauphin St. Cost: $40 entry fee paid by March 4. Details: 901-609-0696. Exploring the ...

Categories: Chess Research
