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Andrew Stappenbeck

Peak Rating:
1924 USCF
Teaching Rating Range:
Accepting Students?

$30 / one-hour lesson

$250 / 10 one-hour lessons

$15 / 30-minute lesson

Lessons Offered Via:
Google Meet
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About Me

I love chess! I have greatly enjoyed improving my chess skills over the years. I would love to help you improve your chess skills and to share what I know with you.


Endgames, Opening/Middlegame Principles


Good Student Match:

Kids, Adults, Casual and Novice Tournament players, Players who are interested in becoming more competitive in tournament play.

Playing Experience:

I have played competitive tournaments around the country for 7 years. I helped lead my high school’s chess team to win Missouri State Chess Championships in 2022 and 2023.

Teaching Method:

Flexible style/level of intensity depending on the student.