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Vinny Thatiparthi

Peak Rating:
1964 USCF
Teaching Rating Range:
Accepting Students?

$30 / one-hour lesson

$250 / 10 one-hour lessons

$15 / 30-minute lesson

Lessons Offered Via:
Google Meet
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About Me

My full name is Vineethreddy Thatiparthi, but I just go by Vinny. As of 2023, I am a senior in high school. I love traveling to different states to play in tournaments; I think every chess player should do the same if they can because those experiences are invaluable. I love to teach because it allows me to see improvement that I have influenced. So, whoever you are, I am excited to work alongside you to achieve your goals!




Good Student Match:

Any age as long as you are open to learn

Playing Experience:

Tournament chess for 4 years, teaching for 2 years.

Teaching Method:

Playing multiple practice games, breaking down ideas, plans, missed opportunitites, etc. I believe this allows implementation of the subject being taught. I also focus on calculation in both practice games and assigned puzzles/tactics.