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The Early Middlegame: What to do?! | Road to 2000

Caleb Denby equips you with tools to get on the road to a 2000 rating.

Caleb Denby shows three of his games that demonstrate how to think when the opening is done and the middlegame begins.

Caleb Denby (2029 URS) vs. Aidan M Carey (1795 URS), 2019: E94 King's Indian, orthodox, 7...Nbd7
Denby (2036 URS) vs. Nikolas Theodorou (2545 URS), 2018: E91 King's Indian, Kazakh variation
Denby (2036 URS) vs. Nikola Mitkov (2468 URS), 2018: D31 Queen's Gambit Declined, 3.Nc3
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