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Korobov's Fighting Chess at the European Championship! | Grandmaster's Choice - WGM Sabina Foisor

Woman Grandmaster Sabina Foisor shows Anton Korobov's win over former FIDE champion Russian Ponomariov at the 2023 European Individual Chess Championship in Serbia. This victory put Korobov 5/5, in clear first at about the halfway point in the event.

Anton Korobov vs Ruslan Ponomariov, European Individual Chess Championship (2023): D38 Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin variation

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Benjamin Bok on the "Amazing" Arch Bishops | 2023 PRO Chess League

Saint Louis Arch Bishops Captain Nemo @akaNemsko talks to the Arch Bishops' GM Benjamin Bok before the start of the regular season. Saint Louis came up short the first week, but Week 2 against Team MGD1 is February 23 at 12p CST, streaming on akaNemsko on Twitch!

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The American Cup 2023: Day 1

Live from the World Chess Hall of Fame, two double-elimination tournaments feature the best overall chess players and the best women players living in the United States! Today features Game 1 of each of the classical first round champions bracket matches. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Cristian Chirila, & IM Jovanka Houska for the move-by-move.


ROUND 1 | GAME 1 (G/90+30)
Hikaru Nakamura vs. Sam Sevian
Levon Aronian vs. Leinier Dominguez
Wesley So vs. Sam Shankland
Fabiano Caruana vs. Ray Robson

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