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Play Chess Like a 2000! | Road to 2000 - NM Caleb Denby

National Master Caleb Denby shows his games from the 2016 Indianapolis Open when he was rated 2000. The mysterious masked Caleb confesses that at that rating, it's all about who sees the most "tricks."

Caleb Denby vs. Jason Scott Daniels, 2016: A88 Dutch, Leningrad, main variation with c6
Maggie Feng vs. Denby, 2016: A07 Reti, King's Indian attack (Barcza system)

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The Kan Sicilian: These Lines are Weird! | Chess and Psychology - IM Dorsa Derakhshani

International Master Dorsa Derakhshani continues her series on her favorite ways to play against the Sicilian Defense with White, with the weird lines of the Kan or Paulsen.

Dorsa Derakhshani vs. Anthony Barron, 2013: B40 Sicilian, Anderssen variation
Dorsa Derakhshani vs Zivile Urbonaviciute, World Junior Championship (Girls) (2013): B43 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3

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