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How Do Openings Affect Your Game Results? | Grandmaster's Choice - GM Melik Khachiyan

2023 U.S. Senior Champion Grandmaster Melikset Khachiyan lectures on opening preparation and how much it affects the results of your games.

Carlos Matamoros vs. Melik Khachiyan, 2013: A15 English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian defense)
Marc Andria Maurizzi vs Ivan Schitco, World Junior Championship (2023): C70 Ruy Lopez, Classical defence deferred

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The Idea of h4-h5 in Different Lines | Prepare Like A Pro - GM Victor Mikhalevski

Grandmaster Victor Mikhalevski teaches a chess class about the preparation of top tournament chess players.

Victor Mikhalevski vs. Wonder Liang, 2023: D35 Queen's Gambit Declined, exchange variation
Mikhalevski vs. Tymur Keleberda, 2023: E25 Nimzo-Indian, Saemisch, Keres variation
Mikhalevski vs. Franz Braeuer, 2023: C45 Scotch, Mieses variation

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