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Tomislav Ćorić, Croatian Minister of Environmental Protection & Energy

The fact that the Croatia Grand Chess Tour Tournament is a pretty big deal in Zagreb is evidenced by the abundance of Croatia's top Officials on hand for the first ever Grand Chess Tour Tournament being held in Zagreb. Grandmaster Maurice Ashley is with Tomislav Ćorić, Croatia's Minister of Environemntal Protection & Energy.


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2019 Croatia Grand Chess Tour Tournament: 7 Тур

Второй этап Гранд Чесс Тура в Хорватии - первый из двух турниров серии 2019-го года с классическим контролем времени. Все двенадцать участников Гранд Чесс Тура на протяжении одиннадцати дней будут бороться за призовой фонд в 325000 долларов.
Комментаторы Меликсет Хачиян и Евгений Мирошниченко

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2019 Croatia Grand Chess Tour: Round 7

The second leg of this year’s Grand Chess Tour is a classical round robin in Zagreb, Croatia. All 12 full-Tour participants will compete over 11 rounds for a $325,000 prize fund. Join GMs Alejandro Ramirez, Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, and IM Jovanka Houska for the move-by-move.


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Blaženka Divjak PhD, Croatia's Minister of Science & Education

Many Dignitaries are showing up for the first ever Croatia Grand Chess Tour Tournament. Blaženka Divjak, PhD is one such Dignitary. Blazenka is a highly regarded and well versed Official for Croatia and she is thrilled with the Croatia GCT Event taking place in Zagreb.


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