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The Budapest Gambit | Chess Openings Explained

Grandmaster Denes Boros reviews viewer submissions. Two Romanian players have great game, until White botches it up. Plus, a Greek gift sacrifice is displayed in the finale.

Michalache vs. Calin: A74 Benoni, classical, 9...a6, 10.a4
Serrafus vs. ilto: E20 Nimzo-Indian defence
toxic_hunter vs. westmanc: D20 Queen's Gambit Accepted, 3.e4
Farouk, E vs. Lioutas, T: B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence

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Judit Polgár puts away Kasparov | Games to Know by Heart - WGM Sabina Foisor

Grandmaster Denes Boros analyzes viewer submissions. Learn that developing pieces and castling first are more important than pawn hunting.

Ethgar vs. Simon29996: B20 Sicilian defence
JohnnyBWizer vs. CR_Flamengo: B90 Sicilian, Najdorf
ilto vs. nader10: D21 Queen's Gambit Accepted, 3.Nf3
Alexander Bursch vs. Severin Paul Hoefer: A01 Nimzovich-Larsen attack, modern variation

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A Recap: Chess a never ending show!

I was supposed to write this blog long time ago. Unfortunately, two things prevented me from doing so: first, my second residency this year at the Saint Louis Chess Club, second and main reason for this postponed article, is the never ending schedule of chess events and activities that have hit me up in the past three months!

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Chess in Cuba - The Universal Language

I had the good fortune to visit Havana Cuba in May of 2017. Part of our visit included donating school supplies and other items to an elementary school in Centro Habana. Chess sets and boards donated by the Saint Louis Chess Club generated the most excitement by far.

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