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Find the Under-Defended Back Rank Weakness | Tactics Time!

National Master Jim McLaughlin shows puzzles and positions from Siegbert Tarrasch that mainly deal with back-rank checkmates and attacks. Capitalize on the opponent when they blunder!

Joseph Henry Blackburne vs Siegbert Tarrasch, Hamburg (1885)
Siegbert Tarrasch vs Berthold Lasker, Berlin (1882)

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Calculate Like a Grandmaster

Some people think that chess is about opening preparation and a more advanced computer knowledge than your opponent. Others believe you just need to checkmate your opponent in a wild Sicilian.

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Puzzles: Attack Your Opponent's King | Tactics Time!

National Master Jim McLaughlin explores many ideas to attack your opponent's king. Themes include: queenside castling dangers, bishop pair attacks, smothered mates, and back-rank mates. As usual, the positions come from Siegbert Tarrasch's 1935 book.


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