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Nick Risko

1820 FIDE
Teaching Rating Range:
Accepting Students?

$30 / one-hour lesson

$250 / 10 one-hour lessons

$15 / 30-minute lesson

Lessons Offered Via:
Google Meet

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About Me

I am an IT specialist and chess instructor at the Saint Louis Chess Club. I am also a competitive chess tournament player who travels across the country to compete in US Chess and FIDE rated tournaments.


Endgames, Sicilian Dragon Opening, Ruy Lopez Opening, General Opening Concepts

Good Student Match:

Tournament Players U1600, Middle/High School students, Adult Improvers.

Playing Experience:

I have known the rules of chess since I was 5 years old and have been playing competitively for years across the Midwest.

Teaching Method:

Flexible approach depending on the student.

Other Resources:

Chess Openings Abridged: Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack
Chess Openings Explained: The Vienna Game