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The Passed Pawn is Making a Run for It! | Secret Life of Pawns - GM Denes Boros

Grandmaster Denes Boros shows strong games, including his own, where a passed pawn sealed a victory. A passed pawn is one that has no opposing pawns in its way, including on adjacent files. It is likely to promote.

Levon Aronian vs Viswanathan Anand, Linares - Morelia (2007): D11 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 3.Nf3
Denes Boros vs. Zoltan Nemeth, 2005: B33 Sicilian, Pelikan, Chelyabinsk variation
Boros vs. Daniel Naroditsky, 2017: C18 French, Winawer, advance variation
Boros vs. Balaji Daggupati, 2017: D00 Levitsky attack (Queen's bishop attack)
Mikhail Botvinnik vs Jose Raul Capablanca, AVRO (1938)