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Goodbye China, Hello India

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Shanghai to Chennai (7-30-2011)

With the World Team Championship ending, players had to all go their own way (maybe we all like Fleetwood Mac?). Yasser went back home to Amsterdam, Gata went to Moscow then New York, Alex went back to the D.C. area, Var went home to L.A. (he has been away from home for a month!), and Tony “D” Rich went to the U.S. Open in Orlando, FL.

What about me? I am currently in an airport hotel in Shanghai. My flight to Chennai (via Hong Kong) leaves 7PM local time Friday night, and gets in to Chennai at 1:30AM local time! I am off to the World Junior Championship to coach U.S. Rep Ray Robson. As usual, Ray is going to represent the U.S. internationally in competition (unlike his time as a rough and tumble young teen when he would represent in another way….). The World Junior is a strong event, with at least 10 players rated over 2600 FIDE, so Ray has his work cut out for him (or maybe I do!). The World Junior starts July 31 and ends August 16, after 13 rounds of grueling chess.

The two “rest days” between China and India saw Tony “D” and I walk all over Shanghai, shopping, walking, drinking a lot of water, and mainly sweating. I took over 1200 pictures since my plane landed in Shanghai 2 weeks ago, and have sent many to my friends and family. China was fun, and now off to a new experience in Chennai!




World Team Championship comes to a close (7-29-2011)

The U.S. Team tied for fourth in the 2011 World Team Championship. The last few rounds were interesting, as Russia faltered and Armenia kept winning matches, and was able to hang on for Gold. China performed beautifully in front of the home crowd, winning many matches, and winning gold medals on boards 1 and 2! Wang Hao scored +3 on board 1 and Wang Yue scored an incredible +5 on board 2 as China took the Silver. Ukraine was solid as ever in winning the Bronze. Pre-tournament favorites Russia lost in the final round to India (!) and tied for fourth with Hungary and the U.S. Team. The U.S. players bagged 3 medals, with Gata getting Bronze on board 1 with a solid +2 score (no losses). After each game I would jokingly get Yasser his (invisible) cane and wheelchair, but “Yaz” scored +2 on board 4, and won the Silver Medal! Robert Hess was +1 on board 5 winning the Silver Medal as well. Yury Shulman’s bad form was clearly due to illness, as he was taking medicine almost the whole event, and clearly was not himself.

The trip to China was a blast, and now it’s time to go to India, where I will be Ray Robson’s coach in his quest to become World Junior Champion! The tournament will be held in Chennai (formerly Madras) from July 31-August 15, 2011. I am supposed to have dinner with World Champion “Vishy” Anand Sunday, so hopefully my first trip to India will be as memorable as my first trip to China.