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Vergilesov, Eckert win Show-Me Classic

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By Brian Jerauld

Alex Vergilesov not only topped the Show-Me Classic, he also capitalized on one last chance to cash in – literally – as a Class A player. When the USCF releases its June supplement next week, Vergilesov will be listed above 2000, making him an expert for the first time in his career.

“I’m excited – I’ve been class A for three or four years, it has taken me so long to get here,” he said. “There was even two years where I had the exact same rating from one January first to the next. My rating wasn’t changing, but my win percentage was increasing. I think I’m up over 70-percent after this (tournament).”

Vergilesov went a perfect 4-0 on Saturday, May 25, matching the score of FM Doug Eckert, who shared top billing. The two split the cash prizes, but Vergilesov also earned entry into the 2014 Club Championship. Eckert has already qualified for the Club Championships from a previous tournament win at the Metro Class Championship.

The frontrunners of Saturday’s open became clear after a third round that featured poisoned white pieces – only four games out of 17 resulted in wins for the player with the first move. It set up a final round showdown between four unbeatens: Eckert (2253) paired off against Alex Marler (2012), the two-time defending champion of the Show-Me Classic, while Vergilesov (1997) was matched with Matthew Larson (2037).

Vergilesov was up to the task of proving he belonged in his new class. He commanded the white pieces for the first time against fellow expert Larson and chose the Wing Gambit as his method of attack. The early sacrifice allowed one of Vergilesov’s knights a lethal outpost on d6, causing Larson’s army to encounter serious mobility issues. In fact, not one of Larson’s pieces even entered the opposing side of the board until late in the game, when Vergilesov already held clear winning chances.

“(The Wing Gambit) is anti-Sicilian and can only be played in certain lines,” Vergilesov said. “It’s a fun opening to play in a low time control because it is really active. It becomes very easy to play knight to b5, where it just waits to go to d6 – even if they play a6, they still can’t take because the rook is hanging. I’ve done that several times against experts – they don’t expect knight to b5. It’s like a funny move.”

The Show-Me Classic, now in its fifth year, also featured prizes for all classes. With Vergilesov claiming the overall tournament prize, James Pollitt (1944) took first in Class A with 3.5 points. Preston Smith (1646), the lowest-rated Class B player in the tournament, notched three wins to claim his section. Class C was split by Ronit Kirumaki (1444) and James Ivy (1409) with 2.0 points each.

Kirumaki, whose rating was just 676 as recently as January of this year, has been seemingly obsessed with breaking through ceilings of his own. The 11-year-old has become a familiar face in the youth movement of Saint Louis.

“I should have drawn a 1900, but I messed up a king-and-pawn endgame against Al Howlett,” Kirumaki said. “I thought I had the distant opposition when he moved his king, but I just didn’t see the stalling move f6 and so I lost the opposition.”

Howlett (1888) agreed, understanding he was fortunate to grab the full point from his young opponent.

“That game was tough, very tough,” Howlett said. “It was drawing, drawing, drawing the whole way through, and I eventually traded off queens in such a way that (Kirumaki) had to play that king-pawn endgame just right. He didn’t, which allowed my king entry … but I spent at least ten minutes just looking over that move to be able to do that. He could have easily gotten that draw.”

“Ronit is good, and I saw in analysis afterward that he is even better than I originally thought. I think he is probably around 1800 strength.”

Class D featured a four-way tie between Mario Coronado (1279), Ken West (1269), Howard Granok (1364) and Brett Eckert (1320), each with 1.5 points. New member Michael Cranwill (1151) and Andrew Schauer (1137) split the U1200 prize.

SwissSys Standings. Show-Me Classic: Open


# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Tot Prize
1 Doug D Eckert 2253 W31 W18 W6 W5 4.0 80.00
2 Alexander Vergilesov 1997 W28 W22 W12 W4 4.0 80.00
3 James D Pollitt 1944 H--- W13 W26 W9 3.5 50.00
4 Matthew W Larson 2037 W29 W8 W7 L2 3.0
5 Alex Marler 2012 W23 W20 W10 L1 3.0
6 Albert Damont Howlett 1888 W24 W11 L1 W16 3.0
7 Matthew C Hosler 1878 W21 W25 L4 W15 3.0
8 Preston Smith 1646 W15 L4 W28 W17 3.0 50.00
9 Ashok S Kirumaki 1677 H--- W14 W18 L3 2.5
10 Steven D Bange 1873 W17 W16 L5 D11 2.5
11 Ronit Kirumaki 1444 W34 L6 W19 D10 2.5 25.00
12 Brian M Jerauld 1762 W19 W30 L2 H--- 2.5
13 James Ivy 1409 H--- L3 W24 W27 2.5 25.00
14 Selden Trimble 2008 D27 L9 W30 W20 2.5
15 Michael Joseph Cranwill 1151 L8 W23 W25 L7 2.0 25.00
16 Stephen R Whyte 1510 W33 L10 W21 L6 2.0
17 Mario Coronado 1279 L10 W34 W22 L8 2.0 12.50
18 Julian Proleiko 1735 W35 L1 L9 W28 2.0
19 Ken West 1269 L12 W29 L11 W31 2.0 12.50
20 Andrew Schauer 1137 X37 L5 W31 L14 2.0 25.00
21 Brett Eckert 1320 L7 W32 L16 W29 2.0 12.50
22 Caleb S Denby 1468 W36 L2 L17 W32 2.0
23 Howard Granok 1364 L5 L15 W36 W30 2.0 12.50
24 Gabriel R Sison 1330 L6 D33 L13 W35 1.5
25 Neil Schechter 1403 W32 L7 L15 H--- 1.5
26 Behrooz Vakil 1767 H--- W27 L3 U--- 1.5
27 Dominic Immer 1346 D14 L26 W33 L13 1.5
28 Peter Immer 1341 L2 W36 L8 L18 1.0
29 Erik Tkachenko 1374 L4 L19 W34 L21 1.0
30 Timothy Paul Baur 487 B--- L12 L14 L23 1.0
31 Sean A Malone 1375 L1 W35 L20 L19 1.0
32 Daniel Thomas Long 659 L25 L21 B--- L22 1.0
33 Charles Andy Primm 934 L16 D24 L27 H--- 1.0
34 James H Smith 739 L11 L17 L29 W36 1.0
35 Shelly Rode 1251 L18 L31 H--- L24 0.5
36 Greg K Vanvalkenburg 834 L22 L28 L23 L34 0.0
37 Russell B Hamilton III 1581 F20 U--- U--- U--- 0.0

SwissSys Wall Chart. Show-Me Classic: Open


# Name/Rtng/ID Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Doug D Eckert B 21 W 12 B 7 W 3
2253 12107920 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
2 Matthew W Larson W 22 B 14 W 8 B 5
2037 14278511 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
3 Alex Marler B 23 W 32 B 9 B 1
2012 12893372 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
4 Selden Trimble W 24 B 13 B 37 W 32
2008 10367743 0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
5 Alexander Vergilesov B 25 W 17 B 11 W 2
1997 12882813 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
6 James D Pollitt bye B 19 W 10 B 13
1944 12548696 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
7 Albert Damont Howlett W 26 B 18 W 1 B 16
1888 12545119 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0
8 Matthew C Hosler B 27 W 20 B 2 W 31
1878 12612828 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0
9 Steven D Bange W 28 B 16 W 3 B 18
1873 12546617 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.5
10 Behrooz Vakil bye B 24 B 6 ----
1767 12541355 0.5 1.5 1.5 U1.5
11 Brian M Jerauld B 29 W 37 W 5 bye
1762 12930752 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.5
12 Julian Proleiko W 30 B 1 W 13 B 25
1735 14836268 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0
13 Ashok S Kirumaki bye W 4 B 12 W 6
1677 14894984 0.5 1.5 2.5 2.5
14 Preston Smith B 31 W 2 B 25 W 28
1646 14843128 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
15 Russell B Hamilton III - 32 ---- ---- ----
1581 12438874 F0.0 U0.0 U0.0 U0.0
16 Stephen R Whyte B 33 W 9 B 27 W 7
1510 12010780 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0
17 Caleb S Denby W 34 B 5 W 28 B 36
1468 14361200 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0
18 Ronit Kirumaki B 35 W 7 B 29 W 9
1444 14860268 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.5
19 James Ivy bye W 6 B 26 B 24
1409 14955616 0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
20 Neil Schechter W 36 B 8 W 31 bye
1403 12560007 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5
21 Sean A Malone W 1 B 30 B 32 W 29
1375 14723347 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
22 Erik Tkachenko B 2 W 29 B 35 W 27
1374 14524502 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
23 Howard Granok W 3 B 31 W 34 B 37
1364 13229567 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
24 Dominic Immer B 4 W 10 B 33 W 19
1346 13974773 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5
25 Peter Immer W 5 B 34 W 14 W 12
1341 12654519 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
26 Gabriel R Sison B 7 W 33 W 19 B 30
1330 12466524 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.5
27 Brett Eckert W 8 B 36 W 16 B 22
1320 14665316 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0
28 Mario Coronado B 9 W 35 B 17 B 14
1279 12827770 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0
29 Ken West W 11 B 22 W 18 B 21
1269 12544320 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0
30 Shelly Rode B 12 W 21 bye W 26
1251 13317033 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5
31 Michael Joseph Cranwill W 14 W 23 B 20 B 8
1151 13606874 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0
32 Andrew Schauer - 15 B 3 W 21 B 4
1137 14939973 X1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0
33 Charles Andy Primm W 16 B 26 W 24 bye
934 14525568 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0
34 Greg K Vanvalkenburg B 17 W 25 B 23 W 35
834 12708488 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
35 James H Smith W 18 B 28 W 22 B 34
739 15012433 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
36 Daniel Thomas Long B 20 W 27 bye W 17
659 14538428 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
37 Timothy Paul Baur bye B 11 W 4 W 23
487 14946085 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0