Zwischenzug | Puzzler's Paradise - IM Vitaly Neimer
International Master Vitaly Neimer presents puzzles with a theme of zwischenzug, also known as intermezzos or in-between moves.
International Master Vitaly Neimer presents puzzles with a theme of zwischenzug, also known as intermezzos or in-between moves.
For the tenth straight year the Saint Louis Chess Club is hosting the U.S. Chess Championships. This event features 12 of the strongest Chess Players and 12 of the strongest Female Chess Players in America. Join WGM Jennifer Shahade, GM Yasser Seirawan, and GM Maurice Ashley for live Commentary.
Por décimo año consecutivo, el Saint Louis Chess Club organiza el Campeonato de ajedrez de los EE. UU. Este evento presenta 12 de los jugadores de ajedrez más fuertes y 12 de los jugadores de ajedrez femeninos más fuertes de Estados Unidos. Únete a Gm Alejandro Ramirez y
WIM Ivette Garcia para el comentario en vivo.
IM Anna Zatonskih is taking full advantage of the Confessional Booth and it just may be paying off, she is solidly in second place behind Nazi Pakidze and Annie Wang holding steady in first place.
There was only one decisive game played in Round 5. GM Maurice Ashley recounts the games.
The Players talk about the relevance of Momentum to the game of Chess.
For the tenth straight year the Saint Louis Chess Club is hosting the U.S. Chess Championships. This event features 12 of the strongest Chess Players and 12 of the strongest Female Chess Players in America. Join WGM Jennifer Shahade, GM Yasser Seirawan, and GM Maurice Ashley for live Commentary.
Por décimo año consecutivo, el Saint Louis Chess Club organiza el Campeonato de ajedrez de los EE. UU. Este evento presenta 12 de los jugadores de ajedrez más fuertes y 12 de los jugadores de ajedrez femeninos más fuertes de Estados Unidos. Únete a Gm Alejandro Ramirez y
WIM Ivette Garcia para el comentario en vivo.
IM Anna Zatonskih is taking advantage of the Confessional Booth to talk about her game in Round 4.