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Amateur Openings & Gambits | Play Like a Pro - IM Eric Rosen

International Master Eric Rosen shows openings which, although uncommon amongst professionals, are popular with amateurs. See the Goering, Milner-Barry, and Belgrade gambits.

C21 Danish gambit, Soerensen defence
C44 Scotch, Goering gambit
C02 French, advance, Milner-Barry gambit
B01 Scandinavian, Mieses-Kotrvc gambit
B01 Scandinavian defence
C47 Four knights, Belgrade gambit
C29 Vienna gambit, Paulsen attack

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Scholastic Invitational 2018 Results

In an effort to raise chess skill level in Saint Louis youths, the Saint Louis Chess Club (STLCC) implemented the Scholastic Chess Grand Prix to our monthly tournaments in order to award consistent tournament players last year. This year on Saturday, October 6, the STLCC added yet another incentive to young chess players by hosting its inaugural Scholastic Invitational Tournament to provide an opportunity for some high level scholastic competition.

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How to Create A Classroom Culture - Part 5

To close the series, I’d like to share with you my final tip on creating a classroom culture using the final ‘S’ from our acronym C.H.E.S.S.

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