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2021 Strategy Across the Board: The Gala

Join the Saint Louis Chess Club and World Chess Hall of Fame for the 5th Annual Strategy Across the Board gala on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at the Chase Park Plaza, a Royal Sonesta Hotel for an evening of celebrating chess in Saint Louis and around the world.

8:00 p.m. Intimate Evening Program with Co-Hosts Amy Marxkors & Debbie Monterrey
8:00 p.m. Silent Auction Closes
8:30 p.m. Live Auction with Rene Knott

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A Shot of Scotch #5: Queen Moves | Chess Openings Explained

Nick Risko continues his series on the Scotch Game or Scotch Opening. As Nick increasingly examines sound lines, take a look at Black's queen moves 4...Qh4 and 4...Qf6. Originally on Twitch.

C45 Scotch, Pulling counter-attack
C45 Scotch, Steinitz variation

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