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Grischuk vs. Caruana: Candidates 2018 | Secret Life of Pawns - IM Vitaly Neimer

International Master Vitaly Neimer analyzes Fabiano Caruana's final Candidates Tournament game, against Alexander Grischuk, where the American stamped his ticket to the world championship match. See how much one simple mistake can cost a player.

Alexander Grischuk vs Fabiano Caruana, World Championship Candidates (2018): C43 Petrov, modern attack, Symmetrical variation

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Today in Chess | Zugdidi vs. Saint Louis

Eight scholastic players from the Saint Louis Chess Club play students from the Zugdidi Chess School in the country of Georgia in a friendly one-round rapid match on Join Mike Kummer & Ben Simon for the move-by-move.

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Blitz! | Preview Episode - Jonathan Schrantz

While testing our new Studio B audio/video equipment
Jonathan calls upon the chess audience for ideas on what to call our new weekly "Blitz!" segment all while playing a "friendly" game of chess against a 2200+ rated opponent.

Blitz! Episode 0 Game:
[Site ""]
[Date "2018.02.04"]
[White "VampireChicken"]
[Black "hannibal4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B33"]
[WhiteElo "2106"]
[BlackElo "2227"]

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Ultimate Machine War! | AlphaZero vs. Stockfish (Part 1) - IM Vitaly Neimer

International Master Vitaly Neimer examines the relationship between chess players and engines, and how it has changed. See a game from the AlphaZero-Stockfish match. Should humans fear AlphaZero?

AlphaZero (Computer) vs Stockfish (Computer), AlphaZero - Stockfish (2017): E15 Queen's Indian, Nimzovich variation (exaggerated fianchetto)

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