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Italian Game | Chess and Psychology - IM Dorsa Derakhshani

International Master Dorsa Derakhshani teaches a two-hour class on the Italian Game.

Dharia Parnali vs. Dorsa Derakhshani, 2013
Babak Khaghani vs. Derakhshani, 2011
Elizaveta Chetina vs. Derakhshani, 2013
Alberto Dieli vs. Derakhshani, 2017: C52 Evans gambit
Mariam Choladze vs. Derakhshani, 2013

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The Online Match: STL vs. Charlotte

The Saint Louis Chess Club (with GM Liem Le) faces off against the Charlotte Chess Center & Scholastic Academy (with GM Daniel Naroditsky) in a 16-on-16 online match with progressively fast time controls. The format is below. Join NM Caleb Denby for the move-by-move.

First team to 128.5 points wins!
7:35 PM Part 1 (games worth two points each)
G/3, each player plays 4 times
8:00 PM Part 2 (games worth one point each)
G/1, each player plays 8 times
Players are re-paired every two games.

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