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2019 Cairns Cup: Opening Ceremony Live

Join the Saint Louis Chess Club for the kickoff of the inaugural, 2019 Cairns Cup live at the Opening Ceremony. 10 of the top Women Players from around the World will come together to compete for a $150,00 Prize Fund during the 9 rounds of Classical Games, February 6-16, 2019.

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2019 Cairns Cup: Round 9

The Cairns Cup features ten of the top female players from around the world. Competing from February 6-16, 2019, the participants play for $150,000 in prizes. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, IM Tania Sachdev, and WGMs Jennifer Shahade and Tatev Abrahamyan for the move-by-move.


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2019 Cairns Cup: Round 8

The Cairns Cup features ten of the top female players from around the world. Competing from February 6-16, 2019, the participants play for $150,000 in prizes. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, IM Tania Sachdev, and WGMs Jennifer Shahade and Tatev Abrahamyan for the move-by-move.


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2019 Cairns Cup: Round 7

The Cairns Cup features ten of the top female players from around the world. Competing from February 6-16, 2019, the participants play for $150,000 in prizes. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, IM Tania Sachdev, and WGMs Jennifer Shahade and Tatev Abrahamyan for the move-by-move.


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2019 Cairns Cup: Round 6

The Cairns Cup features ten of the top female players from around the world. Competing from February 6-16, 2019, the participants play for $150,000 in prizes. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, IM Tania Sachdev, and WGMs Jennifer Shahade and Tatev Abrahamyan for the move-by-move.


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2019 Cairns Cup:Вокруг 9

Чашка 2019 пирамид из камней, инаугурационное событие, который хозяйничает шахматный клуб Сент-Луис, будет отличать 10 из верхних женских игроков со всего мира. Состязающся с 6-ого-16 февраля 2019, участники сыграют для $150.000 в призах, комментарии в реальном маштабе времени обеспеченном WGM Анастасией Karlovich и IM Alira Skripchenko.


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Don’t Close the Center! | Viewers’ Choice - GM Denes Boros

Grandmaster Denes Boros analyzes viewer-submitted games. See why you should open the center if you have more pieces developed in that region.

ThePiousPatriot vs. THEBEEF: C41 Philidor's defence
RodTrad vs. majowy72: A01 Nimzovich-Larsen attack, English variation
bukitlarang vs. WingedEspeon: D43 Queen's Gambit Declined semi-Slav

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Var’s U.S. Championship Slips Away | My Greatest Losses - GM Varuzhan Akobian

Grandmaster Varuzhan Akobian relives his final round game of the 2017 U.S. Championship. With a win against Nakamura, Akobian is the champ. A draw secures a three-way playoff. A loss… well, let’s talk about that.

Hikaru Nakamura vs Varuzhan Eduardovich Akobian, US Championship (2017): A07 Reti, King's Indian attack, Yugoslav variation

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