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Grand Chess Tour Spokesman, Michael Khordakovsky

Michael Khordakovsky, Spokesman and major contributor of the tournaments' designs for the Grand Chess Tour is in Zagreb and full of excitement as he speaks with Grandmaster Maurice Ashley.

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2019 Summer Chess Classic: Round 8

The 2019 Summer Chess Classic is the second of four events this year featuring international chess professionals, consisting of three 6-player double round robin tournaments. These competitors will battle for $75,000 in prize money. Join GM Jesse Kraai and Caleb Denby for the move-by-move.


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2019 Croatia Grand Chess Tour: Round 1

The second leg of this year’s Grand Chess Tour is a classical round robin in Zagreb, Croatia. All 12 full-Tour participants will compete over 11 rounds for a $325,000 prize fund. Join GMs Alejandro Ramirez, Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, and IM Jovanka Houska for the move-by-move.


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2019 Summer Chess Classic: Round 7

The 2019 Summer Chess Classic is the second of four events this year featuring international chess professionals, consisting of three 6-player double round robin tournaments. These competitors will battle for $75,000 in prize money. Join GM Jesse Kraai and Caleb Denby for the move-by-move.


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2019 Croatia Grand Chess Tour Tournament: 1 Тур

Второй этап Гранд Чесс Тура в Хорватии - первый из двух турниров серии 2019-го года с классическим контролем времени. Все двенадцать участников Гранд Чесс Тура на протяжении одиннадцати дней будут бороться за призовой фонд в 325000 долларов.
Комментаторы Меликсет Хачян и Евгений Мирошниченко

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2019 Croatia Grand Chess Tour Tournament: RU Round 1

Второй этап Гранд Чесс Тура в Хорватии - первый из двух турниров серии 2019-го года с классическим контролем времени. Все двенадцать участников Гранд Чесс Тура на протяжении одиннадцати дней будут бороться за призовой фонд в 325000 долларов.
Комментаторы Меликсет Хачян и Евгений Мирошниченко

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2019 Summer Chess Classic: Round 6

The 2019 Summer Chess Classic is the second of four events this year featuring international chess professionals, consisting of three 6-player double round robin tournaments. These competitors will battle for $75,000 in prize money. Join GM Jesse Kraai and Caleb Denby for the move-by-move.


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2019 Summer Chess Classic: Round 5

The 2019 Summer Chess Classic is the second of four events this year featuring international chess professionals, consisting of three 6-player double round robin tournaments. These competitors will battle for $75,000 in prize money. Join GM Jesse Kraai and Caleb Denby for the move-by-move.


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