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2018 Grand Chess Tour Finals: День 1

Увлекательный финал Гранд Чесс Тура 2018 - турнир Лондон Чесс Классик, впервые пройдёт в нокаут формате, с призовым фондом в $300000.

В полуфиналах сойдутся четверо лучших по результатам отборочных турниров в Париже, Левене и Сент-Луисе: Фабиано Каруана, Хикару Накамура, Левон Аронян и Максим Вашье-Лаграв.

Комментарии на русском языке из студии в Сент-Луисе проведут гроссмейстеры Пётр Свидлер и Евгений Мирошниченко

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Today in Chess presents Fireside Chats

Grand Masters Yasser Seirawan and Maurice Ashley along with Woman Grand Master Jennifer Shahade talk about the Chess Games gone by and the Chess Greats that set the precedence for the Games and Chess Greats of today

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Today in Chess presents the Fireside Chats

Grand Masters Yasser Seirawan and Maurice Ashley along with Woman Grand Master Jennifer Shahade talk about the Chess Games gone by and the Chess Greats that set the precedence for the Games and Chess Greats of today

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Scholastic Tournament Blog: 2018 Turkey Tango

On Sunday, November 18, the Saint Louis Chess Club hosted its Turkey Tango scholastic chess tournament. Historically, the Turkey Tango tournament has always been the biggest scholastic tournament of the year. This year was no exception, as we had an impressive 241 players participate.

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