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Tournament Blog: Winners, Upsets, & More

Over the final weekend of January 2018, the Saint Louis Chess Club hosted an event called “Chess Like It Oughta Be”. The tournament was 5 rounds with a time control of Game in 40 minutes with a 5 second delay.

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Chess Like It Oughta Be

Columbia Elementary's Chess Journey

Last school year, Columbia Elementary welcomed the Saint Louis Chess Club into their school by way of a single instructor, who is referred to with endearment as Queen Thomas.  With an everyday assignment of sharing chess with grades 1-6, Queen Thomas and the school began their journey together.

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Play Like Paul Keres | Play Like a Pro - GM Josh Friedel

Grandmaster Josh Friedel shares his favorites game from Paul Keres, the Estonian grandmaster whom many consider to be the greatest player to never have been world champion. Learn why not to trade from "Paul the Second's" game against Max Euwe.

Max Euwe vs Paul Keres, FIDE World Championship Tournament (1948): C75 Ruy Lopez, modern Steinitz defence, Rubinstein variation

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2018 New Year's Fray Tournament Results

On Saturday, January 20th, the Saint Louis Chess Club held its first scholastic tournament of 2018. Following the excitement of the new year, many students joined in to play in their first ever chess tournament, resulting in a total of 193 players that gathered at Adams Elementary in Tower Grove to battle for chess supremacy.

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Friedel vs. Libiszewski, 6th Washington Int. | Strategy Session - GM Josh Friedel

Grandmaster Josh Friedel shows his strategically-complex game against GM Fabien Libiszewski of France at the 2017 Washington International. The moral of his story: if you don't know what to move, just don't make your position worse!

Joshua E Friedel vs. Fabien Libiszewski, 2017: E62 King's Indian, fianchetto, Uhlmann (Szabo) variation

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Perpetual Check & Rooks on the 7th Rank | Tactics Time!

National Master Jim McLaughlin challenges you with positions from Siegbert Tarrasch's 1935 book. The themes include perpetual check (a forced repetition to desperately clinch a draw) and rook control of the seventh rank.


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