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Chess Puzzles that Computers Can't Solve! | Tactics Time!

Nick Risko proposes compositions that chess engines cannot solve. The positions may be impractical or impossible, but the "tree" of potential moves is just too much for engines to solve. However, human players can solve them! See the puzzle that Mikhail Tap famously solved in his head after a walk.

Puzzles by
Sir Roger Penrose
Frederic Friedel
Surya Ganguly

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Saint Louis Chess Club Announces 2021 Tournament Calendar

ST. LOUIS, Thursday, February 25, 2021 - The Saint Louis Chess Club has announced their 2021 tournament calendar that will include national, international, and local tournament opportunities for spectators and chess players alike.

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Believe in Yourself! | Chess and Psychology - IM Dorsa Derakhshani

International Master Dorsa Derakhshani shows her own games against higher-rated grandmasters, that she could not save. Learn the lessons that Dorsa took away from these painful losses. It's two solid hours of Dorsa not winning!

Ivan Rozum vs. Dorsa Derakhshani, 2016: A15 English opening
Ilmars Starostits vs. Derakhshani, 2016: A13 English, Wimpey system

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