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How to Create A Classroom Culture - Part 5

To close the series, I’d like to share with you my final tip on creating a classroom culture using the final ‘S’ from our acronym C.H.E.S.S.

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Intense Chess!

Mike Kummer plays NM Julian Proleiko in the first ever "Intense Chess" game for a chance to earn millions of dollars in the Bahamas!

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2017 Spring Classic: Jeffery Xiong vs. Akobian | Strategy Session - GM Varuzhan Akobian

Grandmaster Varuzhan Akobian shows his game as Black against GM Jeffery Xiong at the 2017 Spring Chess Classic, at the Saint Louis Club. The game helped earn Akobian the top prize at this seasonal invitational.

Jeffery Xiong vs Varuzhan Eduardovich Akobian, St. Louis Spring Classic (Group A) (2017): E00 Catalan opening

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