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Scholastic Summer Tournament Season Opens With Exciting Chess

Twenty elementary school students showed up for the Summer Slam Bash. The favorite was “Adjourn” Puri. He was one of five talented youngsters rated over the 1000 mark. “Adjourn” is currently trained by NM Loal Davis. He had previously been taking lessons from Tournament Director Mike Kummer. Kummer had three students in the tourney: Jaden Meyerstrom, Justin Zhang, and his newest student Agastya Diwan. 

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Joey Micheal Kelly earns National Master Title at the CCSCSL

Joey Michael Kelly clinched his national master (NM) title at the CCSCSL when he defeated Machuca in a non-ladder rated game. The game was played May 31st in the VIP Board Room. Kelly won the coin toss and quickly chose the white pieces. The game turned in Kelly’s favor early and he never backtracked. With the win, Kelly bolstered his rating over the 2200 barrier for the first time in his life.  

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Knights Newcomer Takes Crown, Earns Game of the Month

The largest turnout of the year produced a very exciting month of chess for the May Knights Tournament. The 20 player field was strengthened by the inclusion of Joseph Garnier (2003), who hadn’t played a standard rated game in over a year. Garnier won first place overall with a perfect 4/4 score.

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Three Exciting Club Tournaments Close Out Month of May

The final three days of May finished with a flourish of chess and competition with over 80 people squaring off against each other in three different tournaments. Friday night filled the tournament hall with 9 quads in the Friday Action Quads (FAQ), each fighting it out to see who would win prizes and glory. On Saturday and Sunday, the Club hosted the monthly Unrated Adults’ Beginner Tournament and Unrated Beginner Tournament for Kids 12 & under, respectively.

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Junior Closed will be exciting after Xiong's 1st-place finish at the Chicago Open

International Master Jeffery Xiong was the surprise winner of the Chicago Open, earning him over $10,000 in prize money at the strongest annual event held over Memorial Day weekend. Jeffery won the event in style, beating Grandmasters Avrukh and Bruzon in the final two rounds, both of whom are higher rated than the 14-year-old phenom.

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Record Turnout Produces Excitement, Upsets in 7th Annual Show Me Classic

Upsets abound in the 7th annual Show Me Classic as lower rated players came to prove that they can compete with their often much higher rated opposition. The tournament boasted a record 42 participants, and prizes were awarded to first in each class. Joseph French (1949) came in first overall with a perfect 4/4 score. 

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The Youth Movement Continues in May Knights Round 3

Round 3 - Results

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May Knights Round 2: Strong Young Players Add Excitement

Round 2 - Results

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Musings of a Resident GM: Caruana to return to US!

Resident GM: Ben Finegold

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Our Resident Grandmaster: Ben Finegold

The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis is excited to have GM Ben Finegold back as its Resident Grandmaster through the rest of May! Finegold’s unique style combined with an incredible depth of experience across all levels of chess has earned him an outstanding reputation as a superior trainer to children, amateurs and tournament players alike. 

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