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Young Kasparov vs. the Hungarians | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold

Grandmaster Denes Boros reviews games from the Club's local monthlong tournament, the Wednesday Knights. The imperfections of the sub-2000 rated players offer valuable lessons.

Kevin Y Li vs. Richard Pope, 2016: A40 Queen's pawn, Charlick (Englund) gambit
James A Davies vs. Matt Barrett, 2017: B17 Caro-Kann, Steinitz variation
Grant H Johnson vs. Rakshana Sundara, 2016: A41 Modern defence
Daniel J Coryea vs. Sundara, 2016: B06 Robatsch defence, two knights variation
Dennis La Rue vs. Manny Presicci, 2017: C02 French, advance, Wade variation
Blake Jansen vs. Neil Schechter, 2017: A48 King's Indian, London system