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2017 Winter Chess Classic: Round 3

This super-strong U.S. Championship is an elite event, featuring 12 of the best players in America. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, Cristian Chirila, and WGM Jennifer Shahade for the live moves and analysis of the eleven round round robin, plus the U.S. Women's Championship. Can GM Fabiano Caruana and IM Nazi Paikidze defend their respective titles?

Follow the Live Spanish Commentary with GM Alejandro Ramirez

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2017 Winter Chess Classic: Rounds 1 & 2

This super-strong U.S. Championship is an elite event, featuring 12 of the best players in America. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, Cristian Chirila, and WGM Jennifer Shahade for the live moves and analysis of the eleven round round robin, plus the U.S. Women's Championship. Can GM Fabiano Caruana and IM Nazi Paikidze defend their respective titles?

Follow the Live Spanish Commentary with GM Alejandro Ramirez

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Tactical Challenge #23 with Jonathan Schrantz

This super-strong U.S. Championship is an elite event, featuring 12 of the best players in America. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, Cristian Chirila, and WGM Jennifer Shahade for the live moves and analysis of the eleven round round robin, plus the U.S. Women's Championship. Can GM Fabiano Caruana and IM Nazi Paikidze defend their respective titles?

Follow the Live Spanish Commentary with GM Alejandro Ramirez

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Blunders #3 with Catherine & Ryan

Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan looks at game submissions from YouTube viewers. Amongst the rubble are some gems.

Anish's game: D10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence
D11 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 3.Nf3
Smothered mate: C80 Ruy Lopez, open, 8...Be6
C00 French, King's Indian attack
D11 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 3.Nf3
C43 Petrov, Urusov gambit

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Akobian at Gibraltar 2017 | Endgame Exclam!! - GM Varuzhan Akobian

Ben Simon covers the best of the ninth round of this international tournament. Twenty players from ten nations compete in two ten-player round robins with a combined $20,000 prize fund. Hear from winners GM David Howell and GM Andrey Baryshpolets.

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